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Best Rated Cultural Sites by Members

San Anton Gardens Attard 10.00
Palazzo Parisio Naxxar 10.00
St. John’s Cathedral Valletta 10.00
Casa Rocca Piccola Valletta 9.00
Palazzo Parisio Naxxar 9.00
Upper Barrakka Gardens Valletta 9.00
Lower Barrakka Gardens Valletta 9.00
Buskett Garden Buskett 9.00
Chinese Garden of Serenity Santa Lucija 8.50
Għar Dalam Cave and Museum Birzebbuga 8.00

Beaches in Malta, Gozo and Comino.

Browse from our list below and discover all the beaches in Malta.

Beaches list (38)

Golden Bay is a very popular sandy beach attracting many people for swimming, snorkelling and BBQs  Golden Bay is a beautiful sandy beach set within a cliff face in North West Malta and is the f...
Comments: 2 Views: 96363 Rates: 8.75
Ghar Lapsi's coast and sea
Ghar Lapsi is a secluded beach just off Siggiewi, very popular amongst local swimmers and divers Ghar Lapsi beach is a unique and hidden little bay with a view over Filfla, situated around 1 km away ...
Comments: 1 Views: 28997 Rates: 9.00
Ghasri Valley is a breathtaking spot with fantastic waters and a small pebbly beach Ghasri Valley, or Wied il-Ghasri is a breathtaking, narrow creek that seems right out of a postcard. Ghasri Valley&...
Comments: 3 Views: 28763 Rates: 7.00
The blue lagoon of comino
St. Nicholas Bay in Comino is ideal for spending a relaxing day in beautiful waters St. Nicholas Bay is a pretty beach with beautiful crystal clear waters excellent for snorkelling. The bay consists ...
Comments: 1 Views: 13044 Rates: 9.00
The Azur Window from the sea
Dwejra Bay is one of the most spectacular areas in Gozo, attracting numerous crowds throughout the whole year Dwejra Bay, The Inland Sea and Azure Window in Gozo has dramatic and spectacular scenery ...
Comments: 2 Views: 16306 Rates: 10.00
Mellieha Bay is the largest sandy and most popular beach in Malta Mellieha Bay, also known as Ghadira Bay, is the largest and one of the most beautiful and popular sandy beach in Malta located in the...
Comments: 1 Views: 78920 Rates: 8.33
Marsascala's bay
From Zonqor Point to St. Thomas Bay in Marsascala you can find a number of rocky beaches ideal for bathing, diving and sunbathing The area between Zonqor Point and the Tower overlooking St Thomas bay...
Comments: 0 Views: 16652 Rates: 7.00
Xlendi road and sea
Xlendi Bay is a picturesque beach in Gozo, surrounded by high cliffs and majestic views Xlendi Bay is a rather small, but very attractive sandy beach in Xlendi on the southwest side of Gozo and it is...
Comments: 1 Views: 20166 Rates: 8.50
Xatt I Ahmar near Mgarr
Xatt l-Ahmar is a popular swimming space in Gozo, having ideal conditions for snorkelling off the rocks Xatt l-Ahmar Bay meaning "The Red Bay" is a secluded rocky beach located within the limits of G...
Comments: 0 Views: 12213 Rates: 7.00
pretty bay
Pretty Bay is one of the few sandy beaches in the South of Malta which is very popular with the locals during the summer season  Pretty Bay is located in Birzebbuga in the Southern part of Malta...
Comments: 0 Views: 52332 Rates: 6.00

Different beaches in Malta, Gozo and Comino

Attractions - BeachThe Maltese Islands can be described as a sea, sun and fundestination. And it certainly does not disappoint.

Geology combined with the action of winds and waves, created spectacular inlets and alcoves all around, simply choose is you like rocky, pebbly or sandy beaches!

The coast, especially the north eastern side of Malta, is dotted with pockets of bays that range from sandy beaches such as Mellieha Bay to pebbly and rocky beaches such as St. Paul's Bay.

Some bays are easily accessible by public transportation, while others are more remote, and enjoy quiet and more romantic atmospheres.

You can find several activities on the different beaches, varying from windsurfing, boat trips, jet skiing and fantastic diving. Choose between rocky and pebbly beaches found almost everywhere to the beautiful sandy beaches in the North of Malta!

On the larger and more popular beaches you can find cafes and even restaurants, open during the summer season which in Malta lasts approximately from April-October.

Blue Flag and Beaches of Fine Quality in Malta

Attractions - Beach

Up until recently, one could freely organize BBQs on the beach. But some local councils have banned this privilege in an attempt to obtain the Blue Flag or the Beach of Quality status.

These eco-labels enhance the quality of the beaches and their facilities, making sure that the beach is clean, secure and accessible to all.

In Malta, St. George’s Bay and Bugibba have the Blue Flag award, while Mellieha Bay and Golden Bay have obtained the Beach of Quality status.

Other beaches are being upgraded continually to safeguard the aesthetics and the ecological value of the sites.