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Fun facts and curious information about Malta to boost your knowledge of the island

Do you know Malta's ancient name? Or the legend of St. Paul and the snake?

Malta has plenty of curious facts that you won’t probably find in your tourist guide, from customs to proverbs, passing from one generation to the next through legends, historical and religious beliefs. Malta is unique with regards to so many aspects!

Browse the list below to learn more about Malta's facts and curious information.

Facts list (36)

The cross awarded "For Gallantry" The George Cross on the Flag was given to Malta by His Majesty King George VI of the United Kingdom on the 15th April, 1942 for the bravery that the Maltese people s...
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Nine heritage wonders of the World There are nine UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Malta: Valletta, Grand Harbour, Victoria Lines and the Great Fault, Hal Saflieni Hypogeum, Megalithic Temples of Malta...
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More than a million tourist arrivals annually Malta receives almost triple of its population in tourist arrivals per year: from slightly more than 414,000 people working and living on the island to...
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Oldest free-standing structures in the World The oldest temples in Malta go back 5600 years. That’s even older than the pyramids of Egypt!...
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Maltese - A unique language The Maltese Language is the only Semitic language in the world that is written in the Latin alphabet....
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Some red light action The notorious Soho district in London was established by powerful Maltese crooks and business men....
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Keep to the left In Malta, they drive on the wrong side of the road. Just as the British do....
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Small, smaller, smallest Malta ranks in the top 10 of the smallest sovereign states in the world - with an area of just 314km2....
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Pastizzi are part of the Maltese diet Pastizzi are the tastiest Maltese snack.  A filling of ricotta or peas wrapped in puff pastry, these local delicacies have a massive 416 calories each... A ...
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I do, or maybe not... Malta positively voted for the introduction of divorce in a referendum in May, 2011. The YES to the question "Do you agree with the introduction of the option of divorce in the ...
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