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Best Rated Cultural Sites by Members

San Anton Gardens Attard 10.00
Palazzo Parisio Naxxar 10.00
St. John’s Cathedral Valletta 10.00
Casa Rocca Piccola Valletta 9.00
Palazzo Parisio Naxxar 9.00
Upper Barrakka Gardens Valletta 9.00
Lower Barrakka Gardens Valletta 9.00
Buskett Garden Buskett 9.00
Chinese Garden of Serenity Santa Lucija 8.50
Għar Dalam Cave and Museum Birzebbuga 8.00

Leisure Activities in Ta’ Qali, adventurous sports and traditional crafts

Choose your favourite pastime from the list and see what’s available in Ta' Qali

Ta’ Qali is a rural area in Malta which is mostly known for the National Football Stadium, the National Park and Ta Qali Crafts Village. There are also a number of museums here, including the Aviation Museum. 

So if you’re visiting Ta’ Qali, make sure to take a look at the list below to find out how you can make the most of your free time during your holiday in Malta. 


Leisure activities list in Ta' Qali (3)

Watch the worksmen at the craft villge make the crafts and get a souvenir The crafts village in Ta’ Qali is located in the former RAF wartime air-field and is a very popular tourist attraction ...
Comments: 0 Views: 9495 Rates: 0
Ta' QaliCraft Village
Take cover and aim well: you have 55 paintballs to dodge and just as many to shoot Extreme Paintball Club in Malta is located at Ta Qali where you can do many other things apart from playing paintbal...
Comments: 1 Views: 13571 Rates: 9.00
Ta' QaliPaintball