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Chef interviews with local chefs, find out who's cooking in your favourite restaurants in Malta

dining - chef interview

Learn the cooking secrets from the best

At, we know how much you like food that is prepared with dedication and love.

We are also all  curious about life as a professional chef, what inspires them, what their challenges are and what made them become chefs.

Therefore we took the time to visit several  restaurants around Malta and Gozo to ask some questions to the chefs to gain a better understanding of themselves and to get to know their cooking techniques and experiences a little better.

Many chefs in Malta buy their fresh products from the local food markets, visit them too!

Chef Reuben Grixti

Visit the links on your right or below to read about the chef interview of your favourite restaurant.

Chef interview - Scirocco Restaurant
Chef Interview - The Kitchen Restaurant
Chef Interview - Emperor of India Restaurant








Chef Reuben Grixti from Scirocco Restaurant